All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
the copyright holder.
 The Library
 The Kitchen / Shower / Tub
 Fire Point with "Prevent Forest Fires" sticker
 Packet of Beef from November 1972
 What appears to be a piece of an old dog collar
 Light switches
 Detail on Stonington Island, hanging inside Base "E"
 Coal heater
 Bunk beds
 Second floor
 Another bedroom
 Food storage
 Crates of old food
 Box of oats
 More food storage
 Boxes of Shredded Wheat
 More cans and boxes of food
 Drd. Beans (is that dried or dreaded?)
 Cans of pure butter
 Cans of Sotch Fresh Herring
 Meat Bars
 Shredded wheat with free model of a PanAm plane
 Pearce Duff's Baking Powder
 Tate and Lyle Finest Granulated Sugar
 Electrical system
 Fire extinquishers
 Second Base "E" building (which we weren't allowed to enter)
 Entrance to second building
 "Pup Pen"
 Pup Pen...I feel really sad for the dogs who had to live here
 Foundation of another building...not sure what it was
 British Base "E" buildings
 View a short walk away from the British base
 Looking back at British Base "E"
 Looking towards the American base
 Main workshop building on the USA East Base
 Workshop Building at USA East Base
 Bunkhouse, used for seal carcass storage
 Bunkhouse with snow drift
 Ronne Hut (the guy who financed the expeditiion)
 Back of Ronne Hut
 Ronne Hut
 USA East Base
 Inside the USA East Base Workshop
 Inside the USA East Base Workshop...Clean up workshop before leaving FFS
 Dog pen for the USA compound
 Abandoned tank
 The other half of the abandoned tank
 Sunset over Marguerite Bay
 Pano of Marguerite Bay