All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 Ridge against beautiful light blue skies
 Some detail of what the rocks looked like
 Penguin feathers!
 Adélie Penguins just chillin'
 Looking down into a penguin colony that we had just seen in the Zodiac
 Another vantage of the valley
 Penguin footprints
 Brown Skua mates with one of them screeching
 Brown Skua pooping
 Brown Skua soaring
 Brown Skua
 Brown Skua
 Brown Skua
 Brown Skua pair
 The Bay at Red Rock Ridge
 Dripping ice
 Everyone taking photos of the penguins
 Adélie Penguins, unhappily molting
 Adélie Penguin showing off
 Another unhappy Adélie Penguin
 Waddle, waddle, waddle
 Laying down for a second
 Molting Adélie Penguins
 Jeremy and Abbey, our kayak guide
 Paddling in inflatable kayaks with this as our scenery
 Jeremy paddling
 Shot with iPhone
 Fellow paddler
 Weddell Seal
 Weddell Seal, just wanting to be left alone
 Jeremy paddling
 More beautiful blue ice
 Ice, ice, baby
 Brown streaks in the ice
 View from the kayak
 Fractured ice with our ship in the background
 Manda and Cindy in the safety Zodiac
 Another shot from the kayak
 The Ocean Diamond with a reflection of the island peak
 Only 10% of an iceberg is above water...
 Fellow paddlers
 Abbey Weisbrot, our kayaking guide
 Crabeater Seal
 Crabeater Seal, swimming
 Folks heading back on Zodiacs after the landing as we approach
 Jeremy in his penguin hat with the penguins
 British Base "E" on Stonington Island
 Preparing to enter British Base "E" on Stonington Island
 Historic placard at the entrance to British Base "E"
 Sign inside Base E