Post-festival depression is real as we head out on the bus... everyone was just kinda quiet and not ready for it to be over
 In the Brussels train station, they had a Sushi Shop
 Brussels Train Station
 Saw this in several places where there were just a pile of photographs randomly on window sills
 24-hour condom dispenser outside the pharmacy
 Lots of trash just thrown on the ground which was disappointing
 They had blocked off a couple lanes of this road through town for a carnival
 Almost everything was closed on Monday
 More carnival rides
 Convenience store... the weight of the cans on these shelves was causing them to bow...
 Abandoned COVID-19 Test Center
 Foods 'n' Moods
 I don't know who Thierry Jaspart is, but I guess they don't like him
 Downtown Brussels
 Pixel Adventure at the carnival
 Bumper cars
 Road construction sign
 Back at the train station, had freshly made pasta with lots of parmesean cheese
 Waiting for the train
 Heading to Amsterdam next!