All photos within this webpage are copyright 2024, Myke Savage, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 Arrived in Cabo! Lunch at Vidanta Resort
 View from the 7 Seas Restaurant
 James and Myke at 7 Seas
 Free Beer, Topless Bartenders, and False Advertising
 The Saltwater Restaurant at the Casa Del Mar resort where we stayed
 Beach at Casa Del Mar
 Cute puppy who hung out with us outside of the Dive Ninjas diveshop
 Churro Pretzel at Mamazzita's Restaurant
 Dogs Welcome, People Tolerated at the ME Hotel... they even have doggie cabanas!
 Pool at the ME Hotel
 Downtown San José del Cabo for Día De Muertas
 Concert in the San José town square for Día De Muertas
 Mom and Dad in their Can-Am X3 UTV
 James and Myke in our Can-Am X3 UTV
 Leaving the parents in the dust
 Myke flying down the sand dunes
 Dad driving the UTV
 Family photo on the beach (James, Myke, Mom, Dad)
 A dusty James and Myke taking a break from the UTVs
 Myke kicking up sand
 Heading back off the beach