All photos within this webpage are copyright 2018, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 Hamazakibashi Junction at night near our hotel
 Tokyo Harbor at Night
 Monorail approaching
 Super detailed animated signs on the train
 7-11 ATM
 Jeremy looking at the nenu for A-511
 Myke and James at A-511
 My delicious steaks
 Jeremy, Myke, and James, full after eating
 Myke, James, and Jeremy at A-511
 Look at the cute fan they gave us too!
 Wendy's First Kitchen
 Moat surrounding The Imperial Palace
 Omote-Sando Street
 Really cool waterfall / gutter next to the sidewalk
 Source of the waterfall
 Apple Store Omotesando
 Inside the Apple Store Omotesando
 Swift Playgrounds banner!
 iPhone cases in the basement
 Phone Setup Stations
 Area where they teach classes
 Glass staircase
 Main level of the Apple Store
 iPad table
 Apple TV
 Apple Watch table
 Looking down the glass staircase
 Amazon Fashion?
 Brooks Cafe and Pandora Store
 Mirrored escalator lobby
 SoftBank Store...why is it empty??
 Garrett Popcorn!
 The Gap
 Sketchers Store
 Peeking inside the Sketchers Store
 Takeshita the rain
 Cat Cafe
 Cat Cafe from the outside
 Marion Crepes
 Train zipping by
 In the Roppongi Hills Tower, they have double-decker elevators
 Access control gates at Roppongi Hills
 Tokyo Tower off in the fog from the top of Roppongi Hills
 Nearby apartment buildings
 View of the city from Roppongi Hills Tower
 LEGO School
 LEGO School display
 Belgian Beek Weekend just happened to be when we were visiting
 Sound booth for the stage is in an Airstream trailer