All photos within this webpage are copyright 2018, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
the copyright holder.
 Arrival into Shanghai then connecting to Tokyo
 Starbucks in the Shaghai airport... you know I had to get that Double Chocolate Muffin
 Aaand there it is. It was delicious.
 On approach into Tokyo
 So much land
 And so green
 Finally reunited with James! On the bullet train into the city
 Inside of the train
 Train station
 Train station
 View into the city
 James and Jeremy went to a fancy conveyor belt sushi place for dinner the first night. I went here. Mmmmm
 Omg so good
 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (where Tokyo B&I is!)
 Roppongi Hills Mori Tower (where Tokyo B&I is!)
 Outback is Right Here!
 Interesting water collection system in the subway
 Cool LED display in a construction zone with a guy waving a flag...
 Animated arrow in the construction zone
 Breakfast at the Intercontinental overlooking Tokyo Bay
 Ship's Mast inside the harbor
 Ticket counter... note the camera pointing at the number display with a TV showing that just slightly larger.
 Vending machine
 Our Jetfoil ferry
 Okata Port on Oshima Island
 Just off the boat at Okata Port
 Mount Mihara on Oshima Island...we're about to hike up there
 Abandoned shops as we start down the trail
 Starting the hike
 Looking up towards the volcano
 Volcanic ash
 Volcanic rocks
 Pile of rocks
 Part-way up the hike, looking back at the visitor's center
 Switchback half-way up
 Looking out towards the ocean
 James in the safety pod
 Side shot of James in the safety pod
 Myke selfie
 Myke and James
 Looking back down the trail
 Happy Myke
 Photo Spot...guess I should take a photo
 Actual view from the Photo Spot
 Pano near the top
 One of the craters
 You are here
 Jeremy gets ready to fly his drone
 Jeremy's drone
 Drone landing