Myke's Photo Gallery: Day 8: Cuverville, Neko Harbor, and Skontorp/Paradise Harbor
March 11, 2019
All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 Gentoo Penguins up close and then waddling away
 Ice fields
 Cuverville Island
 View from about half-way up
 One of our photo guides, Kyle
 Nice clear day
 View from the top of Cuverville Harbor
 Antarctic Beach
 Random tuft of dirt and moss in the snow
 The spot where we climbed up
 Gentoo penguins swimming at the beach
 Sleeping penguins next to a whale bone
 Loading the Zodiac while the penguins supervise
 Gentoo Penguins splashing in the water
 Penguin nest at Neko Harbor
 Penguins climbing up the hill
 Penguin Highways
 A Gentoo Penguin chick chases their parent down the highway, desperate for food
 Gentoo Penguin crossing
 Amazing cloud cover today
 Glacier breaking up as it came down this mountain side... notice the huge fractures
 James and Myke with the Antarctic Flag
 James, Myke, and Jeremy with the Antarctic Flag
 Glacial Ice
 Up closer on the glacier...we were just waiting for it to cav but it didn't while we were there
 View of Neko Harbor
 More broken-up glacier but more in a "messy" way
 Time-lapse of the clouds moving (and everyone taking their picture with the flag)
 Slightly slow exposure showing how the wind was blowing the snow
 Gentoo Penguin colony
 Gentoo Penguin checking out Jeremy
 Small avalanche
 Argentine Brown base at Paradise Harbor
 Sliver of light on the mountains
 Crabeater Seals at sunset
 Spotlight on an iceberg
 A dinosaur-shaped iceberg
 New ice at sunset
 Sunset reflection at Paradise Harbor
 Magic hour light on an iceberg
 Shadows of us in the Zodiac
 Penguin island silhouette
 Beautiful light on the mountains
 Penguins watching the sunset
 A little more light on the penguins
 My fiancé ;-) with our guide, Dave, behind
 Sunset on Paradise Harbor
 Orange light on the mountain tops