Myke's Photo Gallery: Day 7: Lemaire Channel, Petermann Island, Booth Island, and Port Charcot
March 10, 2019
All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 James, getting the shot of this penguin
 Gentoo Penguins
 Fellow passenger laying on the ground to take pictures
 Gentoo Penguin parent looking over their stuffed youngster after feeding
 Penguin chicks feeding
 Penguin chicks eagerly awaiting more food
 I'm hungry, momma!
 Penguin chick feeding
 Penguin chick with a full tummy
 Fuzzy Gentoo Penguin chick
 Cuddly Gentoo Penguin chick
 Hiking up to the cairn (top left) created by Jean-Baptiste Charcot's expedition
 Myke and James at Port Charcot
 The view from the top at Port Charcot
 Monument at Port Charcot
 Looking down from the top at Port Charcot
 Sea ice in the bay
 Jeremy taking a photo
 The Bay at Port Charcot
 Happy James at the top
 Gentoo Penguins with our ship in the background
 Research station at Port Charcot
 Looking up towards the top
 The view from the research spot
 Pano at the magnetic research station
 BBQ Dinner back on the ship as we cross back through the Lemaire Channel
 Sunset at Lemaire
 Sunset at Lemaire
 Looking back on a beautiful day
 Golden red skies