All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 Snooze time
 Iceberg Ramp
 Blue ice
 Looking at ice from the Zodiac
 Sea ice
 Perfect white snowpack
 Clam-looking iceberg
 Crabeater Seal
 Crabeater Seal that reminds me of the scene from Alien
 Crabeater Seal
 Standing on the sea ice, where they've set up a make-shift bar
 Fantastic icebergs
 Crabeater Seals
 Standing on the ice!
 Hot Chocolate and Baileys, served on ice. Literally.
 Myke and James on the ice
 View from the sea ice
 Iceberg bouncing in the water
 Fog-covered snow peak
 Anchored ice
 This one almost looks like a skull
 Zodiac cruise
 So much ice
 Crabeater Seals
 He just looks like he wants a belly rub, doesn't he?
 Snow Petrel
 Floating ice
 Ice cave
 Snow Petrel
 Snow Petrel
 Taking photos of seals with the ship in the background
 Huge iceberg
 Snow cap on land
 Brack ice
 Anchored ice
 Arctic Tern
 Arctic Tern
 Wilson's Storm Petrel
 James on the Zodiac
 Pano from the Zodiac
 Blue ice underneath snow
 More icicles and snow
 I just love this color
 Enormous iceberg that likely has a bowl of water in the middle
 Wider shot of that huge iceberg...probably 1000 ft across
 Pano of the ice
 A single 4x3 shot just doesn't do this justice