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We made it back to South America today! As we approached the Beagle Channel, there was a call on the intercom about someone seeing whales breaching so we all raced to the deck. Someone else said they also saw dolphins jumping out of the water, but they were all too far away to see anything or I missed it. There were dozens of Albatross birds flying all around the ship though. It was quite windy but they just soared through the air without even needing to flap their wings. They were clearly enjoying it.
As we got into the channel, a ship’s pilot from Ushuaia joined up with us and climbed on board to navigate through the channel. This meant that the bridge was closed to guests so we watched from the decks. As we approached the port, I joked that the captain was going to pull a move out of the Fast and the Furious with spinning the ship around and sliding into the pier. While not quite that fast, he did basically parallel park the giant 124-meter long ship in between two other ships…in reverse. It was impressive to watch.
We had our wrap-up ceremony where we got to see some of the amazing photos from photo guides Kyle and Sam, then we headed into town just for a little bit to stretch our legs. We got back on board and closed the night out in the ship’s bar.
 The country of Chile on our Port side
 And Argentina on the Starboard side
 Dozens of Albatross birds were circling our ship as we approached the channel
 Another one of the Albatross surfing on the windy day
 Not sure which kind of Albatross this is
 Black-browed Albatross
 Our Albatross friend, up close and personal
 Another bird soaring through the wind
 Approaching the Beagle Channel
 The Pilot Boat meets us at the beginning of the channel
 Pilot Boat
 Approaching the town of Ushuaia
 The Port of Ushuaia
 Captain backing up the ship while the Pilot watches
 Parallel parking a 124 meter cruise ship
 Backing up...
 A container ship, the Argentino II, also moored on the same pier
 Pulling along side the pier
 Jeremy taking a picture of the docking process
 Centurión del Atlántico, a fishing boat, also at port
 The town of Ushuaia
 The port of Ushuaia
 Our amazingly awesome expedition staff from Quark Expeditions
 The pier at night
 The stern of the Ocean Diamond, tied up at port
 The Ocean Diamond and other vessels at night
 Hard Rock Cafe in town
 Police boats at night