All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
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 Street art on abandoned buildings on the way to the airport
 Beautiful building paintings
 Is this our plane?
 Hard Rock Buenos Aires Airport
 Hard Rock Buenos Aires Airport
 Nope... this is our plane!
 Flying first class again
 Another plane taking off
 Shortly after takeoff from Buenos Aires
 View from the plane approaching Ushuaia
 Baggage claim in Ushuaia
 Arrivals at USH
 Parking lot at the USH airport
 Parking lot at the USH airport
 Town of Ushuaia
 Pano from the airport
 USH Airport
 USH tarmac
 Airplane taxiing at USH
 Side of the USH airport building
 Ushuaia town
 Looking out to the town from our hotel
 View from our hotel, the Hotel Las Lengas
 Area Naval Austral
 Museo del Presidio and Mueso Maritimo (Prison and Maritime Museum) entrance
 Prison guard at the entrance
 The real prison guard
 Old-fashioned typewriter
 Radio wave equipment from the middle of the 20th century, used by the police station in Khami Lake (now called Fagnano)
 Policia Republica Argentina shield
 Prison Museum
 Penguin display
 Display showing how oil mining works
 Model oil rig
 Poster showing how Total's mission "is to sustainably satisfy men's energy needs..." uhhh...
 Table that belonged to the shelter of Esperanza Bay
 Model airplane on display
 Antarctica shelter
 Clothing used by the geologist Horacio Diaz during his Antarctic stay representing the oil company YPF, 1952
 Prison guard
 Penguins of Antarctica
 Gymnasium for the prison
 Gymnasium for the prison
 Prison Museum
 Firefighter (barberos) suit
 Prison uniforms
 Model prison
 Model ship built out of match sticks by a prisoner
 One of the cells decorated with guards
 Artwork showing a convict escaping from a cell