All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
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 Not bad seats...
 James and Myke in Delta One
 EZE Airport in Buenos Aires
 Street art
 Street art shop front
 Really cool tree in the park
 Plaza San Martin
 Beautiful day
 Plaza San Martin
 Enjoying fresh air after a long flight
 Looking up to the sky
 A giant the one in Chicago except white
 The Plaza
 Torre Monumental
 View from the park, Pan American Energy building on the left (blue glass) with the Sheraton behind it
 Apparently they were shooting a movie today too
 Alberto Evaristo Ginastera monument
 Basílica Santísimo Sacramento with a bus
 Pizzeria Natacha, sponsored by Coca-cola
 Milka store
 Avenue 9 de Julio
 Teatro Colón (Opera House)
 Palacio de Justicia (Palace of Justice)
 Teatro Colón (Opera House)
 Escuela Presidente Roca building, opened in 1904
 Palacio de Justicia up-close
 Pano of the opera house and Palace of Justice
 Calle Viamonte and Carlos Pelligrini
 Bus station at Teatro Colón
 The Obelisco, celebrating 400 years of Buenos Aires
 KILL store?
 Administración Gubernamental de Ingresos Públicos (AGIP)
 Met up with Adam Smythe and his girlfriend, Tara, for dinner at Don Julio
 Dinner at Don Julio
 Delicious steak!