All photos within this webpage are copyright 2022, Myke Savage, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
the copyright holder.
 Our first sunset at Waikiki Beach
 Finally got to dive the Corsair plane wreck!
 Wing section of the Corsair
 Propeller of the Corsair
 Front of the Corsair
 Tail section of the Corsair
 Tail of the Corsair
 Looking inside the plane
 Massive propellers
 The Corsair and Myke
 Apple Watch Ultra at 101'
 The engine
 Second dive at Spitting Cave
 Yellow Trumpetfish
 Corral at Spitting Cave
 Wall at Spitting Cave
 Rocks with a turtle
 Yellow and Grey Trumpetfish
 Driving along Highway 61
 Myke and James at Kōnāhuanui
 Entering Lanikai
 Lanikai Hike
 Myke at the first pillbox at Lanakai
 Looking out to the second pillbox
 Inside the pillbox
 Looking out from the pillbox
 Lanikai graffiti
 Mermaid Caves
 Mermaid Caves Beach
 Nanakuli Sunset
 Myke and James at Depot's Beach
 Sunset at Depot's Beach
 Jillian diving in Honolulu
 Kewalo Pipe in the Honolulu Harbor
 Green Sea Turtle
 James, our divemaster, a turtle, and the Kewalo Pipe
 Spotted Box-fish ?
 Swimming with the fishes
 An Eel
 Where the Kewalo Pipe ends
 Moray Eel
 James at the top of Diamondhead
 Harris, unaware, at Diamondhead
 Waikiki and Honolulu from Diamondhead
 99 Stairs
 Jeremy's 35th Birthday Party!