Myke's Photo Gallery: Italy Day 15 in Amalfi and driving back to Rome
June 03, 2011

All photos within this webpage are copyright 2011, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from the copyright holder.

Rob playing with the parrot at the hotel
Rob playing with the parrot at the hotel
Dad, Simona (from the hotel), Rob, and Mom
Dad, Simona (from the hotel), Rob, and Mom
Dad, Mom, Simona, Rob, and Myke
Dad, Mom, Simona, Rob, and Myke
Parrot at the hotel
Parrot at the hotel
Rob giving the parrot a head scratch
Rob giving the parrot a head scratch
Mom and Dad with their gift of lemons
Mom and Dad with their gift of lemons
McDonald's in Pompei
McDonald's in Pompei billboard billboard
Travel times sign
Travel times sign
Call Center Viabilita
Call Center Viabilita
Sign comparing gas prices (I wish we had these in the US!)
Sign comparing gas prices (I wish we had these in the US!)
Speed limit 100km
Speed limit 100km
Autovelox (speed trap)
Autovelox (speed trap)
Radio FM 103,3
Radio FM 103,3
Campania Mall
Campania Mall
Bartolini truck
Bartolini truck
Rob and Mom, packed in the back of the car
Rob and Mom, packed in the back of the car
Strange sculpture on the side of the road
Strange sculpture on the side of the road

(Later in the day in Pompei...)