Myke's Photo Gallery: Cadbury Goes Swimming #3 - June, 2000

WARNING: All photos contained within this webpage are copyright 2000, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. They may not be used on other webpages, publication materials, etc. without prior permission. If used with permission, the phrase "Copyright 2000, Myke Olson." must be used in conjuction with each photograph. If you would like to ask for permission, please e-mail me.


My grandmother, sitting in the boat

My sister, Kelly, and dad


Kelly and Cadbury

Kelly, Cadbury, and Dad


My mom and Cadbury


Cadbury meets another puppy

Cadbury on the SeaDoo


Cadbury on the SeaDoo


Hey everyone! Look at me!



Swimmin' s'more...


The view from the top of my loft...the really tall
pointy building is Bank of America. Next to it is BellSouth and
the building with the antennas on it is The Biltmore.

Another view of the city...