Second day of diving! When setting up my gear on the boat, I hooked up my Nitrox tank and checked with my watch but it was only registering 2550 psi. I told the DM and she debated a little but said it wasn't enough to do a dive enough though I thought it would be fine. Switched to the other tank which was only 1600 psi. They said Nitrox isn't very common there and they didn't have any more so I used regular air instead. Good thing I checked while we were still at the dock though!

Tried to go back to Land's End this morning but when we turned the corner, the captain said that the current was too strong and we'd be swept out to sea too quickly. We went back towards Pelican Rock to a site they called Middle Wall even though it wasn't far away from the rock. Drifted towards Land's End.

Saw a cool Stone Scorpionfish which is the best I can determine it's actually called. They just called it a Scorpionfish but there are a lot of different species of those!

For my second dive of the day, we took the boat back out to the corridor / marine park area. The dive crew was excited to do this site but it turned out to be the same one that I had done as the first dive, Whale's Head. One of the other divers in our boat recognized the lighthouse at the top of the cliff but I didn't until I went back and looked at photos.

This site was again pretty boring relatively. There's some neat coral here compared to the sites right outside of the marina, but the DM, Joy, mentioned that it wasn't as big as normal because the water had been so warm this year.

Saw a couple of my favorite pufferfish (black-blotched porcupinefish) again and the black-and-white whitespotted boxfish.

I was really hoping to do the dive site Gordo Banks but they had a minimum of 3 people. I convinced one other person on our boat to go but couldn't get another person and they couldn't find a boat available to go either. It sounds amazing though so I'll need to go back to go there!