All photos within this webpage are copyright 2019, Myke Olson, unless otherwise noted. All rights reserved.
You may not copy or link to these images on the web, in print, or any other media without prior permission from
the copyright holder.
 Morning and still crossing the Drake, now with some snow
 The Observation Lounge
 Current progress...crossed into Antarctica politically last night
 Snow across the bow
 Snowing at sea
 Side captain's station
 Jeremy's excited!
 Jeremy's GoPro is ready to record the sight of land
 First iceberg spotted!
 First sight of land!
 Approaching land
 Zodiac operations underway
 Approaching land
 Snow capped land from afar
 Pano of the anchor site
 Melchior Islands
 Lighthouse with glacier behind
 Photos just don't even do this justice
 Getting closer
 Scouting the anchor site
 Melchior Base from afar
 Dropping anchor
 Zodiacs getting ready
 Boarding the Zodiac
 Myke and James onboard the Zodiac
 Approaching Melchior Islands on the Zodiac
 Our ship, the Quark Ocean Diamond
 Myke selfie, all bundled up
 Melchior Base (owned by Argentina)
 Antarctic Fur Seals (two of them)
 Another Zodiac approaching the shore
 Slight view of the iceberg underwater
 Lone Gentoo Penguin
 Antarctic Fur Seal
 Radio tower for the Melchior Base
 Melchior Base
 Melchior Base from the other side
 Zodiac and our ship
 Closer-up of that iceberg
 Beautiful blue cracks on top of land
 The texture on the iceberg was amazing
 Again the photos just don't do this justice
 Bowl shaped iceberg
 Iceberg and the ship
 Much more detail in this photo from the iPhone
 So much depth to the ice
 Gentoo Penguin