Master Bathroom - Shower...going away
 Laundry Room and future Master Closet
 Demo started for the door to closet
 Progress on demo
 Demoing for Master closet door - From Master Bed
 Old wires in the space above the future closet door
 Old very dangerous electrical sub-panel
 Termite infested wood in Master Bathroom under window
 Jamie demoing the shower
 Pile of demo'ed material at the end of the day
 No more cabinets or walls
 Demoing wall in front of toilet
 Where the shower used to be
 New wall and framing for whirlpool tub
 New master bathroom
 New electrical for Master Bath
 New Recessed Lights for Master Bath
 New Travertine Tile for Master Bath
 New Closet Door
 Plumbing for Whirlpool Tub and Shower
 Completely demo'ed Master Bath
 The pile of junk outside begins...